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Sustainability in retail today. The retail lighting factor.

Sustainability already plays a key role in purchasing decisions for 62 % of all customers. Climate protection and the careful use of resources are therefore important factors in retail. We have compiled some interesting facts for you to consider about the extent to which the lighting factor contributes to measurable sustainability.

And of course we also show how impressive Glorea is in this respect.
EHI Retail Institute GmbH

Retail pushes forward with climate protection

Climate protection measures have long since reached the retail sector. As an important sector of the economy, retail trade makes a significant contribution to meeting defined climate protection targets.
84 % of retail companies calculate their carbon footprint, take reduction measures or have even set themselves binding, verifiable targets that are intended to protect the climate and are compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The leitmotif: sustainability
The factor: retail lighting

»What levers do designers and lighting planners have at their disposal to reduce the consumption of retail lighting in a sustainable way? There are basically three well-known factors: the efficiency of the individual luminaires, use of control systems to regulate brightness and consumption according to the situation, and sustainable, sophisticated planning from the outset that is orientated towards human perception and does not simply drown areas in uniform light.« — Martin Krautter, md Interior Design Architecture
Glorea & sustainability
With Glorea, CO2 savings of up to 50 % per year are possible compared to conventional spotlight concepts.

Sustainability: light for the future

Modern lighting systems consume little energy and are good for the environment. But truly sustainable lighting technology can do even more: it impresses with its positive carbon footprint, saves costs and ensures a better quality of life.

The lighting industry is a pioneer in sustainability

Every kilowatt hour of electricity that is saved reduces the amount of energy required to generate it and therefore the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions involved.
[ ] The lighting industry has become a pioneer in sustainability with its efficient technologies. Self-imposed sustainability targets are regularly documented and monitored in reports.
Glorea & sustainability
Glorea’s patent-pending 7in1 technology creates 7 points of light with just one luminaire. This is brilliant both for presenting the goods and for sustainability.

Light sources, Luminaires and control equipment …

... that are as durable as possible and reduce environmental impact, maintenance costs and power consumption. In this context, sustainable products should be reusable or recyclable. – recommendation of the industry initiative

»Acting sustainably also means choosing light sources with foresight and disposing of them correctly.«

says Dr. Jürgen Waldorf, Managing Director of
Glorea & sustainability
Compared to conventional lighting systems, a smaller number of luminaires is sufficient for brilliant lighting with Glorea. This saves material in production and reduces overall manufacturing costs.
EHI-Studie Energiemanagement im Einzelhandel 2023

Lighting accounts for 21 % of electricity consumption in the food retail sector and 58 % in the non-food sector.

Status of conversion to LED lighting in 2022: A good 80 % of non-food retailers and over 84 % of food retailers have not yet switched to 100 % LED technology.

Glorea & sustainability
Glorea offers brilliant, three-dimensional light coverage with unique reach and sustainable area efficiency.
Retail lighting with Glorea makes a measurable contribution to sustainability. 
We will be happy to advise you in this area. Just get in touch with us.
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